ARITA Journal vol 36 #02: Acting in the best interests of those you serve


The cover feature of the June 2024 edition of the ARITA Journal examines the question of ethics in the professions. Executive Director of the Ethics Centre, Dr Simon Longstaff AO, explains the need for all professionals to restore public trust by acting ethically and in the interests of the people they serve.

Other features include:

  • ARITA Legal and Academic Director Dr Lézelle Jacobs details how ARITA is shifting its focus to provide practical insolvency education that meets the future needs of the profession.
  • Maddocks Partner Sonia Sharma and Associate Anna Leacock provide a practical guide for insolvency practitioners on navigating privacy and data breaches.
  • The question of what makes good law reform is tackled by the Executive Director of the Qld Department of Justice and Attorney General, Matthew Corrigan.
  • Business Journalist Dominic Rolfe gets the inside word on the turnaround and eventual sale of the iconic Sara Lee business from Vaughn Strawbridge, FTI Consulting Senior Managing Director, and Gadens Partner Breanna Davies.
  • MyAdventure Group Founder James Castrission provides an extraordinary tale of endurance and persistence to demonstrate what can be achieved in business with the right mindset.

This edition also includes a profile of TurksLegal Partner Allan Kawalsky plus government updates, case summaries, ARITA events and education news, and the latest commentary and updates from the ARITA Specialist team.

Access Volume 36 #02 of the ARITA Journal here (members only).